Personal Projects

Illustration • Graphic Design

A collection of prints that have been created for the purpose of fostering creative expression and enjoyment.

This print was inspired by the relationship between plants or flowers and the sun. This abstract print contains colors of green, yellow, and pinks, with shapes of circles and ovals. The print sits on top of a desk with the sun streaming in through the window, casting shadows upon the scene. This print was inspired by the plant Pride of Barbados. It contains shapes similar to above, circles and ovals, but with colors of green, yellow, pink, and orange. The print sits on the ground against a white wall, a white curtain sits to the left of the print, and a green plant to the right. A 3d illustration of a girl holding a laptop stolling through a forest. It resembles a clay texture and has colors of green for the trees and ground, and for the girl - a yellow shirt, blue pants, white shoes, and brown hair.